The Charisma

The Charisma

Gesù Sacerdote Servo

priest and servant

Hebrews 10, 5-7
Philippians 2, 5-8

A revolution

Don Ottorino was in love with Jesus and the gospel. He was aware that  God had given him a specific gift of grace, a particular charism. He felt that the Lord had called him to start something new:  “We have to make a revolution!”, he loved to say to his boys.

God’s will

When a search was made among all his religious brethren on the question “What is the aspect of the figure of Christ that most attracted Don Ottorino’s attention and fascinated him?”,  all his religious brethren answered almost unanimously : “The Christ who does  the Father’ will, who offers himself to do the Father ‘s will “.

The mystery that fascinated him

In fact, the aspect of  Christ’s  mystery that Don Ottorino was most passionate about was: Jesus who perfectly fulfills the Father’s will, giving himself to death to save men.

Christ entered the world saying:

“Behold, I come to do, O God, your will” (Hebrews 10, 7) and “he stripped himself, assuming the condition of a servant … becoming obedient until death and death by the cross” (Philippians 2,7-8 ).

Jesus priest and servant

Jesus is the only and authentic priest who realizes the communion between us and God with the  offering of his life.

He exercises his priesthood as a servant, in solidarity with human beings in everything  except sin, until he dies with us and for us: «The Son of man did not come to be served, but to serve and give his life in ransom for many “(Mark 10:45).

The charisma of Don Ottorino and his family thus reveals to the world the face of Jesus priest  and servant.

It is  the Father ‘s diaconia, revealed in the Son’s  incarnation, which continues to act through the work of the Holy Spirit in the Church, the servant of humanity.

la Famiglia di don Ottorino